What’s New In Java SE9?
Okay, typically when there is a new release of any kind of software it’s a good thing. When that release happens to be an update, as is the case with Java SE9, there are usually some nifty new features included. With this particular release, you will not be disappointed. That’s because it is far more than just another sequel. Java SE9, formally known as Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9, is a huge jump past where Java 8 left off.
Here are some of the best parts:
1 – Platform Support
Application Server 9 is versatile. It really, really is. That’s because it now supports several different operating systems. Along with that, SE9 works with different databases, web servers, hardware, you name it. This is pretty much makes all other software developers stand up and take notice. In the average office environment, SE9 talks to more stuff inside your computer than you will during the day at your workstation.
2 – Speaking Of Support
While we’re at it, we should add that SE9 also supports Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0 which happens to include such nifty features as enhanced monitoring and management functions. There are also several improvements to scalability and performance. There is also support for the 64-bit Solaris O/S as an added bonus. Plus, long-running distributed transactions are now supported.
3 – Database and Drivers
A Java DB database is bundled into the package which is a fancy way of saying end-to-end Java EE applications are now possible to develop and deploy. Add to this the ability to now connect to any database with a JDBC server and the horizon just got a little bit wider.
4 – Connectivity and Monitoring
SE9 packs a punch with built-in connectivity with IBM MQ Series and Sun Java SM Queue Server thanks to the new JMS connectivity feature. This comes with easy to configure call flow monitoring. This gives you ways to track incoming requests as they flow through the server.
5 – Integration
With the new on-board Java Web Services Developer Pack, support is now in place for updated and current web service standard. In other words, it has your backside covered and protected in ways it has never been before.
6 – Rules and Tools
We get it. Sometimes there are far too many rules but with SE9 it actually has a flexible infrastructure that can automate tasks with self-management rules. No, this is not AI. As for tools, there are tools that will now allow you to migrate and upgrade whatever needs to be migrated or upgraded.
7 – Productivity and Administration
Finally, the open modular architecture provides for a rich developer experience like no other. Applications are deployed quickly and the functions are easy to use. The browser-based administrative console features many new items that will enhance your user experience.
Java SE9 is a winner. It takes the best parts of previous editions and streamlines them as well as includes new functions that will be tough to beat should there be a Version 10 on the horizon.
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