Questions candidate should ask during interview
1. What role will I fill?
2. Why does this role matter to the growth of the company?
3. Who would my colleagues be?
4. What would I be doing that makes your job easier?
5. What are additional important skills I will need to do this job well?
6. How does the company measure success?
7. What would you expect from me this month, in three months, and in a year?
8. What is your mission?
9. How would you describe the general culture of the company and the workplace?
10. Will there be any form of training provided?
11. What are some of the biggest challenges/successes facing the department currently?
12. What process will be used to evaluate my employee performance?
13. Who will be my direct supervisor?
14. Are there many opportunities for professional development within the company?
15. What is the usual time frame for making the hiring decision?
16. May I contact you if any further questions arise?
17. What is your favorite part about working here?”
18. What are the three or four most important factors that you will consider when evaluating my performance?
19. In what ways does company leadership demonstrate its commitment to employees and to the success of the business?
20. What are the biggest challenges or headaches that go with the territory in this position and at this company?
21. What are the top three tasks you want the candidate to perform after being hired?
22. Are there opportunities for professional training or further education?
23. What kind of orientation or training do new employees receive?
24. How does the company / department support employee development?
25. How is the present economic situation affecting your organization?