How to Successfully Pass ECBA Certification in the First attempt?
The ECBA Certification test is a multiple choice exam. It has 50 questions that must be answered within 1.5 hours. All the questions are straight forward and come from the BABOK guide. These questions will test the understanding and knowledge of the candidate. If you want to pass the exam and get the ECBA Certification in your first take, here are some of the most effective preparation strategies to consider when taking the ECBA Certification test.
Who can apply for ECBA Certification?
- Fresh graduates aspiring to work as a Business Analyst
- Individuals who wish to build their career as Business Analyst
- To become a professional in a career related to Business Analysis
- Students who have enrolled in the field of Business Analysis
- Developers, Designers, QA Testing Professionals and Project Managers who would like to understand more about Business Analysis
Eligibility for applying ECBA Certification Exam
- Minimum 21 hours of IIBA approved professional development ECBA training in the last 4 years.
- Agreement with the ECBA Code of Conduct
Complete ECBA Certification in First Attempt:
If you would like to complete ECBA certification in your first attempt, this article helps you to prepare for the ECBA certification exam and things to consider while taking the ECBA certification test. These ECBA certification preparation tips can assist you to pass your ECBA exam in the first attempt. There is no definitive timeline for the preparation of ECBA test. It could vary from person to person depending on their interest and knowledge level. Plan yourself for approximately 2-3 months of preparation if you are able to dedicate at least 3 hours per day for preparation activities. It would be great to spend at least 4hours per day before the ECBA exam and complete your preparation in 2 months.
Let’s take a look at the ECBA certification preparation tips in detail:
Learn the Basics of Business Analysis:
Enhance your knowledge in Business Analysis, understand the roles, day to day responsibilities and functionalities of Business Analyst. Attend events and seminars related to Business Analysis. To make your career in business analysis, it is also very important to know about software development and various phases of software development. It will help you to understand and learn more about BABOK (Business Analysis Body of Knowledge) guide. Read and understand the concepts in BABOK guide is very important before starting your ECBA certification exam preparation.
Read the BABOK at least once:
The following are the areas to Focus for the ECBA Certification Exam and the Weightage of questions from each knowledge area has been defined below. Plan and prioritize your preparation according to the weightage of each chapter.
BABOK Guide Knowledge Areas:
- Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring-5%
- Elicitation & Collaboration-20%
- Requirements Life Cycle Management-20%
- Strategy Analysis-5%
- Requirements Analysis and Design Definition-24%
- Solution Evaluation-1%
Business Analysis Knowledge Areas:
- Business Analysis & the Business Analysis Professional-2.50%
- Underlying Competencies-5%
- Business Analysis Key Concepts-5%
- Techniques-12.50%
Attend ECBA Certification Training:
Attend an online ECBA training course, so you can enhance your knowledge specific to ECBA exam and can revisit the videos for topics that you are less confident. The online ECBA training also satisfies the 21 PD hours requirement that is mandatory for attending the ECBA exam. There are also local IIBA meetings that you can join but be sure to review the entire available study guide.
Practice ECBA Mock Test:
Practicing Mock test plays a vital role in passing your ECBA certification exam in the first attempt. When it comes to a certification exam preparation, ECBA mock tests are highly important. Start attempting the ECBA mock tests, after you have watched all the videos at least once and you have read your preparation book at least once, taking the Knowledge area wise tests and when you successfully reach the passing score of 80%, try the full test. It would be good if you can score a minimum of 80% in three different mock tests.
Always bear in mind that the best ECBA practice test simulators would ensure that you are on the right track in completing the ECBA certification test. Start with the tests based on different knowledge areas and when you are confident enough in every chapter, you can move on to the full length tests. While attending mock tests you will be able to learn more concepts and also sharpen your skills from an exam stand point.
Getting Ready for the ECBA Certification Exam:
- Uninterrupted power and internet – Have backup for internet connection is very important
- Your computer or your laptop must have working camera
- Make your infrastructures ready before 30 minutes of commencement of the exam.
- Clean your desk or table. Don’t keep it messy or don’t keep any papers in it.
- Don’t allow anyone to enter your room during the exam duration.
- Keep your phone on silent mode and keep it away from you.
Apart from the tips that are mentioned above, it is also important to review the FAQ’s in the ECBA training course page. By following the above mentioned practices, you are assured that you can pass the ECBA certification exam in your first take.
All the best to everyone who applies for the ECBA certification exam to clear it on the first attempt!
To successfully pass the ECBA Certification exam, attend the online ECBA Certification training, which would also provide you the required 21 PD Hours eligibility for the ECBA Exam.