Here is a list of tools that help DevOps engineer to perform various tasks. These tools assist in performing numerous tasks including developing, testing, and releasing software. 1. Nagios (& Icinga) Nagios is a veteran monitoring solution which is highly efficient …
DevOps is a culture or practice that give emphasis to the collaboration and communication between software developers and other professionals from information-technology (IT) while automating the process of application delivery and changes in infrastructure. It targets at starting a culture and …
What is Advanced Java (J2EE)? Advanced Java is the next advanced level concept of Java programming. This high-level java programming basically uses two Tier Architecture i.e Client and Server. The ‘Advanced Java’ comprises the very complex advanced programming. The advanced …
SOAP is an implementation of Simple Object Access Protocol which is a messaging protocol that allows programs to run certain operating systems to communicate using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Extensible Markup Language (XML).
By far Java programming language has been one of the most preferred programming languages for different platforms. If you are looking for a job in Java programming language then you can boost your employability by getting certified by Oracle in …
Oracle has been providing online certification on different technologies and applications over the past several years. By getting certified from Oracle you can showcase your knowledge and capability to hiring managers and higher management professionals. Credentials are given to examinee …
The following is the summary of compiler storage allocation. 1. Static vs Dynamic Static: Storage can be made by compiler looking only at the text of the program. One reason for statically allocating as many data objects as possible is …
Template Method is a behavioral design pattern and it’s used to create a method stub and deferring some of the steps of implementation to the subclasses. Template method defines the steps to execute an algorithm and it can provide default implementation that might be common …
Struts2 Spring 3 Integration Example Now the first question comes here, why you want to integrate spring with struts 2? Spring provides some features which are not available in struts 2. Most powerful among them is dependency injection. To learn …