Black Box Testing Vs. White Box Testing
In the area of a product QA testing, there are various methods that can be used to detect if software developed has an error-free code or any other default. Two methods that QA analysts can lay emphasis on are the white box testing and the black box testing.
There are key differences between these two methods that will enable you to know the impact they will have on the outcome of a testing.
White box testing is the structural testing of software developed. Its purpose is to check on how the program built is functioning. Black box testing is the functional testing of software. Its aim is to determine the functionality the system is based on without checking how it is generated.
Internal Structure
White box testing is a technique whereby the internal functions of software are known and taken into consideration by the QA tester. A black box testing is one in which the internal structure and implementation of the software are not laid emphasis and known by the tester.
Levels of Application
Black box testing is applicable to high levels of software tests while white box testing is used for lower levels of software testing.
Programming Language
In the black box testing, programming language knowledge is generally not required. White box testing requires programming language proficiency.
A quality assurance tester performs black box testing while software developers carry out white box testing.
White box testing is time-consuming while black box testing takes less time to perform.
Algorithm Testing
White box testing is suitable to carry out algorithm testing while black box testing is not appropriate to perform algorithm testing of software.
Detail design is the center of test cases of white box testing while the test cases of black box testing are hinged on required specifications.
There you have it! Above is a detailed comparison between black box testing and white box testing when it comes to detecting if software developed has an error-free code or any other default