What is Quality Control?
QC or Quality Control is a process by which a business ensure that the product quality is improved or maintained. It is a process where entities review the product quality and all factors involved in the production process. It requires the business to have an environment where both the management and employees will strive for product perfection. The major role of quality control is to establish well-defined controls. This kind of controls will help standardize the production and reactions in quality issues.
ISO 9000 defines the quality control or QC as a part of quality management, aiming to fulfill the quality needed. ISO 9000 is a family of Quality Management System, where standards are designed for helping an organization to meet the needs of customers and stakeholders. ISO deals with quality management systems fundamentals, which includes the seven quality management principles.
Customer focus
It is the introduction of an organization aiming to serve their customer’s needs. Having this quality management principle, which is customer focus is usually a great contributor to the success of the business. It ensures that all aspects of the organization puts first the customer’s satisfaction. It also includes maintaining customer relations and service in an effective way. The organization must aim to exceed the expectations of the customer. With this, they should measure the customer satisfaction.
The leaders should establish goals and set direction for the organization. A leader must create unity among employees, lead them to empower and equip their skills. They should create an environment which people can be fully involved in reaching the organization’s objectives.
Engagement of people
The people in all levels in an organization should have full involvement to enable their skills and abilities to be used for the benefit of the organization as well as make sure the people’s abilities are valued and used, make them accountable and have continue improving, evaluate the individual performance by learning and knowledge sharing and try to enable an open discussion of problems.
Process Approach
It is achieving more efficiently a desired result when different activities and related resources are managed as a process. Make sure to measure the capability of activities. Identify linkages between activities. Prioritize the opportunities for improvement then deploy effectively the resources.
The overall performance and capabilities should be improved. It is the permanent objective of the organization. It should empower the people and align activities for improvement. If the organization achieves the improvements, they should celebrate and congratulate the people behind the improvement. The quality control or QC is a big help for improving the business production.
Evidence-based decision making
An effective decision depends on the analysis of data and information. Make sure to have an accurate and reliable data by using the appropriate methods of analyzing them. Make decisions based on correct analysis.
Relationship management
An organization and its providers in a mutually beneficial relationship improves the ability of both parties when it comes to value creation. In establishing relationships, you should consider short and long term one. They will share resources, expertise, information, and plans. Collaborate the activities on improvement and development.
In inspection, the quality of the products will protect the consumer from the product defectively. QC will help the organization to avoid releasing a defective product to the market that may lead to their reputation being damaged.