6 Dos And Don’ts of IIBA ECBA Certification Exam Day
The IIBA ECBA Exam day is the most important day as far as your ECBA Training is concerned. It is one of the different steps (probably the most important one) towards ECBA Certification. To help you avoid certain mistakes that can jeopardize your chances of success, here are some dos and don’ts to guide you:
- Try as much as possible to arrive early at the exam centre, the time is indicated in your exam registration confirmation email.
- Go to the exam centre with all important documents including the exam registration confirmation email and a valid ID.
- Furthermore, make sure that your ID is government-issued, valid and bears the exact name you used during the registration process.
- Make sure that your desktop computer or laptop has working webcam and microphone and let your photo be taken for verification purposes.
- Make sure that you confirm your name and exam within 2 minutes.
- Make sure that you agree to the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) within 2 minutes.
- Don’t arrive at the exam centre late, after 15 minutes. You may not be allowed to sit for the exam
- Don’t go with any extraneous material.
- Don’t go with an ID bearing any name that has any form of disparity with what you used for the registration process.
- Don’t waste time in login in or when you are prompted to agree to the NDA.
- Don’t forget your passport if you are writing outside your country of citizenship.
- Do not select No when prompted to confirm your name or agree to the NDA.
There you have it! The above are some of the dos and don’ts of IIBA ECBA Certification exam day. Don’t get stressed, and neither should you start panicking. However, ensure that you do not pressure yourself. Eat well, remain hydrated, sleep well, and study smart. By following the tips mentioned above, you should do fine in your ECBA Exam.
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Tag:ecba, ECBA Certification, ECBA Exam, IIBA ECBA